Paolo Nani

actor, director, maestro

Paolo Nani ha actuado en 42 países, desde Brasil hasta Costa Rica, desde Groenlandia hasta Japón. 

Ha sido invitado cinco veces al Köln Comedy Festival. 

cuatro veces al London International Mime Festival, 

y ha actuado en muchos otros prestigiosos festivales

y teatros de todo el mundo.

Performances (up to 3 October 2023)

Danish Theater Associations

Honorary Award 2018:

Paolo Nani Teater

Excerpts from the motivational speech:

Paolo Nani arrived in Denmark in 1990, and only two years later he created a real classic with the show “LA LETTERA” – produced together with Cantabile 2. The show has gained worldwide acclaim and is still received today with enthusiasm from the public (more than 25 years) after its world premiere.
With genius and precision, the equilibristic approach to theatrical language in its purest, comic and human form, which Paolo Nani represents – creates shows that can be experienced and understood by all – yesterday, today and undoubtedly also the day after tomorrow and in 10 years”.

Menzione d’onore per l’Arte del Clown di livello mondiale

CPH STAGE Festival 2017

Premio per la Cultura con Cantabile 2 e Kristjan Ingirmarsson Company

Vordingborg 2017

Premio del pubblico, Santo André

Portogallo, 2016


Festival di Avignon 2013 e 2015

Primo premio Roner Surpris

Bolzano 2005

Primo premio, European Comedy Award – United Slapstick

Frankfurt 1994


